Radio.English program 2/X

 Grade : X.

Ladies and gentlement listenener  Radio Smata Fm, commounly student at everywhere, every place you are, specially Student's Tarbiyyatul Falah High school, grade: X.

Thanks to Allah/God, He has give chance to us for seconds meeting even by voice.

Shalawat and salam to our prophet : Muhamad Saw, because of him, we are still in His ni'mah iman and islam.

Welcome to my lessons.

3.1. Reflection of Learning:

Standar Goal.

After learning Reflective learning is a form of education in which the student reflects upon their learning experiences. this lesson in this chapter, you are expected to be able to :

1. Response  to expression for showing happines, sympaty and affection.


Reflection of learning:

Reflective learning is a form of education in which the student reflects upon their learning experiences.


Pembelajaran reflektif merupakan salah satu bentuk pendidikan dimana siswa merefleksikan pengalaman belajarnya.

What is learning reflection.

Reflection is about students becoming aware of their own thinking processes, and being able to make those transparent to others. 

Terjemahan :

Learning reflection:

Refleksi adalah tentang siswa menjadi sadar akan proses berpikir mereka sendiri, dan mampu membuatnya transparan kepada orang lain.

Language function:

a. Expression of happiness.

* Iam delighted/ aem deleded ( saya mendukung).

* It's  agreat.( itu sangat menakjubkan)

* It's amazeng.

* It's exited/exellent.

IAM DELIGHTED.( aem deleded)

Example : 1

Probably : The united state next presiden is Joe Baidan.

Response: " I delighted."

Example: 2

Zahwa is deserve to be leader of our class.

Response: I delighted.


I will give my mom pearl neckless for gift.

Respose: It's great.

My teacher give exellent for my english a ssigenment.

Response: It's great.


Example :1

Chelsia football club it has to be  winner vs liverpool by score three & zero.

Response: it's amazeng.

Example: 2.

This is orange it small but really sweet.

Response: its amazeng.



Mohamad Zuhri is Indonesia runner, he can take score a thousand metter only ten minutes,ten seconds.

Response: It's exited.


On my way/on maywey: pada jalanku.


Draw/dro: menggambar,melukiskan.

Blinds/blains: buta akal).

Runner/raner : Pelari.

Misery/maiseri : kesengsaraan.

Save/sav : Menyelamatkan 

World/wold : dunia.

Because/bikes: sebab.


Make asentences is by response: 

1.It's delighted.

2. It's great.

3.It's amazeng.

4.It's exited.

5.It's exellent.

Paper of assigment:


Mohamad Thariq is singer he is also memorice all of al quran.

Response: It's exited.

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