Radio : Arabic Program/XII


Key words: ١٢.

مفعول به:

مفعول به: هو إِسِم بَعْدَ فِعْل.

مِثَل: أَكَلَ فَارِس مَوْزًا.

ذَهَبَ أَبِى جاكرتا.


مُبْتَدأ وخبَرُهُ.

فِعِل وَ فَاعِل

إطار بيانة / explanation framework.

What is meant by a hurricane?
Ma hua mean lili'shar?
(What is a tornado).
What does a tornado look like?
Maa yabduu i's her mistli?
(What is the Tornado wind like?)
Where are hurricanes located?
(Aena tuujad 
Where did you hear the first information about tornadoes?
(Where do you get the most out of your information?

Hamid Al Sha'eri  (  29 November  1961  -),  Libyan  /  Egyptian  singer and musician  He was born  of a  father  Libya  and  mother of Egypt   and had two Egyptian and Libyan citizenship. He grew up in a family of fifteen brothers and sisters, apart from the father's three wives - unlike his mother, his mother died when he was no more than thirteen years old.

He was in the early stages of an amateur, as he used to throw parties in  Benghazi  . In the last third of the seventies, Hamid Al-Shairi joined the  Libyan  Radio Troupe  as   an organist , but joining the radio team did not last long, as  Al-Shairi left the  team due to the sharp differences in views that emerged between the two sides. Hamid Al-Shairi also participated in creating a singing group called  Sons of Africa which  included a number of  African and  Arabic  singers  , but the team did not continue.

Hamid  was a  student at the  Aviation  Institute,  where his father sent him to complete his studies in  England  . There, he rented a watch in   a British studio  to record his early musical and lyrical works.

Among the most important producers Hamid Al Sha'eri handled were producers  Hani Thabet  and Kamal Alam,  owners   of the Sonar Company  , where Hamid is presenting his first musical and musical works after moving to  Egypt for a while,  particularly to the city. from  Alexandria,  where his father and relatives settled on the maternal side, but his father refused to do so. His son is in the music field.

Hamid's poetic failure in his  first music experience in  Egypt  , where his  first album did not reach the  album from  his eyes  , which was  launched by the  company  SONAR was a  success at all, and  then released   Hamid Shaari's second album departure album   and achieved Medway's success especially on this album.  scenes  of Egypt  , and was immediately followed by the  album  Seneen's  third  album  , the album like  Jannah,  Shara  and  Hakaya  .

Hamid Al Sha'eri is married and has four children: Nadim, Noah, Nabila, and Noura. He composed several songs after the outbreak  of Libyan protests  in 2011, sung by opponents of the Gaddafi regime. [1]
