Radio: English program/12

 GRADE: 12.

Collect informations.

Last refew :
Opinion :
What is opinion?
Reflect of learning.
Learning reflection.
Give a responses.

Collect Information.

Mean, It gathering information from a sources maybe by reading or watching video after that retelling again.

The key :

Who is the sources?
What is The sources?
How is the background of sources?
What is the sources problem?
How does The sources choose problem solving?
How do you think?

I know three foreign languages (English, Arab and Little spain) to varying degrees. I have been learning English from the 5th grade while Arab and Spein were added to my linguistic repertoire only at the bachelor years. In this reflection I discuss some factors that accompany my languages learning process in different time spans of my life. Particularly, I dwell on my experience of English and Arabic as I find it the most also descrsuccessful.Because I took English course at LIA (Language Indonesia Amerika fundation)) in Bandung and repeat the same program at Bogor and Arabic I got my magister program at Egypt. with Arabic to underpin my speculations on the importance of some factors in my language learning process.

In the Points :
The development of languages is very pass more it relative of Fields of job rightnow. So you should pripare for yourself to competityon of worker skill


Bachelor/bacelo  : sarjana
Repertouire/repertur  :perbendaharaan.
Spans/spens  : rentang
Dwel, dwell/duweul   : tinggal.
Underpin/underpen : mendukung.
 Speculation/spekulasen : sesuatu yg tdk berdasarkan fakta.
Particularly :pertkiularly : tentunya
Unbreak/anbrik :Putus
If you really want it/if you really wanet :Jika kamu benar2 ingin.
The cup of life/the cup of laif: Piala kehidupan.

Exercise :

You will hear sound and choose, which sound you hear it a or b?

1.a.Where.            b.were
2.a.Lie in.              b. lying.  
3.a.Circle.              b.Cycle.
4.a.Began.              b.Begin.
5.a.Likes.                b.lakes.
6.Drivers.               b.Rivers.
7.a.Vapor.                b.Favour.
8.a.These.                b.This.
9.a.Rice.                   b.Rises.
10.a.Clouds.             b.Could.



  1. Saya tahu tiga bahasa asing (Inggris, Arab dan Spanyol kecil) dengan derajat yang berbeda-beda. Saya telah belajar bahasa Inggris dari kelas 5 sementara bahasa Arab dan Spein ditambahkan ke repertoar linguistik saya hanya di tahun-tahun sarjana. Dalam refleksi ini saya membahas beberapa faktor yang menyertai proses belajar bahasa saya dalam rentang waktu yang berbeda dalam hidup saya. Secara khusus, saya memikirkan pengalaman saya tentang bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab yang menurut saya juga paling sukses. Karena saya mengambil kursus bahasa Inggris di LIA di Bandung dan mengulang program yang sama di Bogor dan bahasa Arab saya mendapatkan program magister saya di Mesir. dengan bahasa Arab untuk mendukung spekulasi saya tentang pentingnya beberapa faktor dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa saya.


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